Wednesday, April 20, 2016

4:20.... Bake Sale day at work... coincidence?

^^ That's a joke, but really. It's Bake Sale day at work and today is 4:20.
That diet was awesome. I thought it would be harder than it was but it turns out I lost 6.5 lbs. on it and feel SUPER. I feel like one of those fat girls that wants to fit into her skinny jeans but still isn't quite there, so I will spare humanity :) ha ha.
I did happen to have a cupcake today, and Saturday I'm probably going to have another one... maybe I will just eat half? Half of a cupcake, is there even a point to eating it? Maybe I will three-year-old it and just eat the icing... that's the best part anyway. How awesome would it be to just have a clump of icing you just hand out and maybe dip graham crackers or something into it instead of cake? Well since we are about 26 days post birthday for me I will try it next year. 35---good year for just icing and no cake. Maybe a side of cake so I can put ice cream on it. *sigh* anyway.
I'm down 7 lbs total to today since I started that diet, that makes 10 for the year.

I found out one of my chickens is a rooster... so my friend is going to give me one of hers (she ordered twenty something and I ordered five) that way my rooster will have five hens. Hope that works out. He's awesome and loves me. Anyways... have a nice day :)

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