Thursday, May 5, 2016

Revenge of the Fifth...

So yesterday was May the Fourth.... Star Wars Day. Was a good day. My daughter had an orchestra concert and they finished it out with the Star Wars theme and had light sticks on their bow's and they turned the lights off... was super cute.
I'm doing the GM diet one more time, I'm not being so strict this time, mostly because I'm PMSing and who wants to diet while they are pissed off at the world? PMS isn't so bad after you realize that's the reason you're being so terrible lol (in fact, I ate taco pizza from a local bar last night AND 1/2 of a hot chocolate sundae from McDonalds and still lost half a pound). Get it! Right? I've had about 5 soda's since April when I gave up my 32oz morning and probably 20 oz afternoon and who knows how much I was drinking in the evenings... my point is--- zero water. Well today I've had about 5 cups of water... and it's seriously easy to get your 8 glasses in a day when you realize a glass of water is only 8 oz!!! Go put 8 oz. of water in a cup and you'll look it in confusion and be like "really... that's it?" I bought a 16 oz. Tervis cup and it's nice knowing if I drink that I've already done 2 cups! Welp, better get back to the grind :)
Diet is going good. Home life is good (my garden is growing!). Work life is good.

Life. Is. Good.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

4:20.... Bake Sale day at work... coincidence?

^^ That's a joke, but really. It's Bake Sale day at work and today is 4:20.
That diet was awesome. I thought it would be harder than it was but it turns out I lost 6.5 lbs. on it and feel SUPER. I feel like one of those fat girls that wants to fit into her skinny jeans but still isn't quite there, so I will spare humanity :) ha ha.
I did happen to have a cupcake today, and Saturday I'm probably going to have another one... maybe I will just eat half? Half of a cupcake, is there even a point to eating it? Maybe I will three-year-old it and just eat the icing... that's the best part anyway. How awesome would it be to just have a clump of icing you just hand out and maybe dip graham crackers or something into it instead of cake? Well since we are about 26 days post birthday for me I will try it next year. 35---good year for just icing and no cake. Maybe a side of cake so I can put ice cream on it. *sigh* anyway.
I'm down 7 lbs total to today since I started that diet, that makes 10 for the year.

I found out one of my chickens is a rooster... so my friend is going to give me one of hers (she ordered twenty something and I ordered five) that way my rooster will have five hens. Hope that works out. He's awesome and loves me. Anyways... have a nice day :)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Day FOUR!!

Well yesterday was probably the best day for dieting... only Veggies and Fruit, but I got warm food and sweet food, ha ha. Today will probably be the hardest day for me--only bananas, milk/yogurt. So I got plain yogurt, I probably wouldn't be able to eat it without the banana's in it. Yikes. I also got almond milk because I'm not a huge fan of cow's milk. This will probably be a long day of muddling through. Hey, it's 8am, I've made it two hours so far and I'm still alive. My coworker changed her hours to 8 so I'm hoping she walks in sometime soon. The good thing is that today is the halfway point in the diet, that's the cool thing about a seven day diet. This is also the best I've ever stuck by anything. I'm excited for the changes it's making to me and the ability to know I won't starve if I eat food that's healthy for me. Another positive-Yesterday I walked 2.15 miles and did an hour of yoga! Woot wooT. Today is going to be amazing, no matter how much muddling I have to do :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

GM Diet, Day TWO.

Well today is day two of my diet... I'm far beyond the need to be on a diet so I'm glad this one seems to be doing pretty good. Yesterday was the fruit only day. During the day I really wanted something warm but by the time I was at home the melon I had in the fridge worked just fine and then strawberries while I was watching TV was a good evening snack. I lost 2.5 lbs so far. Horray me.
Today we got to start out with a baked potato--I added garlic and about 1 tsp. of butter. It was such a large potato it took me an hour to finish it. Morning snack I divulged in radishes. Delicious. The main point to me putting myself on a diet is the hopes to get off of diet soda and junk food. It's been a long seven years of gradual gain and horrible habits. And honestly if I stay out of gas stations and just get fruit to bring with me I can probably actually save money. Hmm... good plan.
I've upped my water intake by about 400% of what I usually drink... maybe more. I'm not a huge water fan. Today I'm at 4.5 cups already. Tonight I'm going to go walking because my coworker is about to outstep me (we are FitBit users and in a challenge together) by a lot. There's a little extra motivation to get me moving more. I also found that my dog (whom is now almost 4) was a great inspiration to get out more. He loves hiking with me. Well... better get back to the grind. So far-day two is being kind.

Monday, April 11, 2016


First off- This blog will be used for many, many random purposes. Today I'm starting a diet and I think it's a good idea to blog. Tomorrow I might go hiking. Wednesday I will have yoga, will I blog about that? Maybe... Am I having a hard time drinking water? Is my hair a mess? Look at what my dog can do! Seriously--Random. 
Second- I'm a happy girl. Seriously. I love being happy. I love being optimistic--actually that's not really something I "love" as much as an accurate description of me. If there is any ray of hope at all, I will find it. Even if it's not a good outcome, it will be better than nothing at all. 

I'm 34. I have a daughter, son, one dog, one cat, and 5 chickens. I'm a new homeowner, *ultra yay*. I garden. I hike. I walk.  I do yoga.  I have a small car, my hair is almost always a mess, I'm not popular, I'm a people watcher. I do not expect anyone to actually read these ramblings but I'm doing it for the joy of it. Like it or not.