Thursday, May 5, 2016

Revenge of the Fifth...

So yesterday was May the Fourth.... Star Wars Day. Was a good day. My daughter had an orchestra concert and they finished it out with the Star Wars theme and had light sticks on their bow's and they turned the lights off... was super cute.
I'm doing the GM diet one more time, I'm not being so strict this time, mostly because I'm PMSing and who wants to diet while they are pissed off at the world? PMS isn't so bad after you realize that's the reason you're being so terrible lol (in fact, I ate taco pizza from a local bar last night AND 1/2 of a hot chocolate sundae from McDonalds and still lost half a pound). Get it! Right? I've had about 5 soda's since April when I gave up my 32oz morning and probably 20 oz afternoon and who knows how much I was drinking in the evenings... my point is--- zero water. Well today I've had about 5 cups of water... and it's seriously easy to get your 8 glasses in a day when you realize a glass of water is only 8 oz!!! Go put 8 oz. of water in a cup and you'll look it in confusion and be like "really... that's it?" I bought a 16 oz. Tervis cup and it's nice knowing if I drink that I've already done 2 cups! Welp, better get back to the grind :)
Diet is going good. Home life is good (my garden is growing!). Work life is good.

Life. Is. Good.